
Having fun with MATLAB

Since 2020

I want to start off by saying that I love MATLAB since I started learning it in 2020. Since then I used it in most of my projects, such as the BCI for human emotion recognition or the analysis of animal behaviour in offline video analysis. I wanted to show, however a small antology of codes that I made either for class or in my spare time, that do not categorize as a single project but that I still had fun to make and wanted to share.

This was a program made to evaluate a function and plot its Maclaurin series up to n terms.

This program Analyzes the duffing equation in a similar way to which Pendulum.m analyzes the triple pendulum system.

This program simulates a triple pendulum using four types of ODE analysis for selectable masses, lengths and initial conditions. (Runge Kutta 4 and 45, Heun and Butcher)

